Welcome to the Pittsburgh, PA Branch!




2024 Title IX Regulations and State Anti-Discrimination Laws

While recently enacted Title IX regulations have been challenged in federal court, there
is no nationwide injunction precluding enforcement of the regulations. Moreover, an
injunction order issued by a federal court in Kansas v. U.S. Department of Education
does not materially change schools’ obligations to students. Pennsylvania public schools
are still subject to prohibitions on sex discrimination that include gender identity and
expression under Pennsylvania state law and applicable federal regulations.

See Analysis here.

Continue to Protect Rights of Transgender StudentsAAUW in the Statehouse

Supporters like you make a difference in statehouses across the United States. AAUW has activitists in all 50 states and Washington, D.C. who exert significant influence over policy.

The AAUW policy team can help you identify, track and assess current legislation where you live and rally your network to support and oppose proposed bills.

Pennsylvania Equality Pay Law is ranked 32 in the nation!


System Racism and the Pay Gap

Research from the American Association of University Women examines how systemic racism—including decades of discriminatory employment practices, intentionally inadequate legal protections and persistent racial stereotypes—has contributed to a pay gap that remains far wider for women of color than for white women.

Read the report here. https://www.aauw.org/app/uploads/2021/07/SimpleTruth_4.0-1.pdf

Branch By Laws 2024

2024 Pittsburgh Branch Bylaws




Recently, Governor Tom Wolf took action on pay equity by signing an executive order that ends the practice of state agencies requiring a job applicant to provide their salary history during the hiring process. The governor also called on the General Assembly to pass similar protections for all working women in Pennsylvania. When employers ask job candidates about their previous wages and use that information to set pay in a new job, this seemingly innocuous practice can have major repercussions. Salaries should be based on job responsibilities, position, pay range and the applicant’s job knowledge and skills.

It was a great honor for AAUW-PA to be in attendance and have Barbara Price, our Public Policy Co-Chair speak. AAUW-PA was the only outside organization asked to speak. Other speakers besides the Governor were Representatives Maria Donatucci and Brian Sims and Senators Tina Tartaglione and Judy Schwank and Melissa Robbins who shared her story of unequal pay as she did at our Equal Pay Rally in April. The whole ceremony was amazing. Here is a link to the whole ceremony.. Fast forward to 19:53 to see our Pay Equity Super Hero. Her remarks are awesome! (according to Ann Pehle).

1. The Simple Truth about the Gender Pay Gap

The gender pay gap is the gap between what men and women are paid. Most commonly, it refers to the median annual pay of all women who work full time and year-round, compared to the pay of a similar cohort of men. Other estimates of the gender pay gap are based on weekly or hourly earnings, or are specific to a particular group of women.

Read More.


2. Get Paid What You’re Worth

AAUW’s renowned The Simple Truth about the Gender Pay Gap report finds women are still paid just 80 cents for every dollar paid to a man! We can change that with AAUW’s multipronged economy security initiative: by changing laws, encouraging employers to improve workplace cultures and practices, and empowering women to negotiate to their financial futures by making our Work Smart program available nationwide.
Learn more about Work Smart Online and join the Members Mobilize a Million Challenge.

Additional Resources: Use the tools on the Members Mobilize a Million Social Media pageto get the word out in your newsletters, on your websites, and in your social media posts


3. AAUW Action Fund Congressional Voting Record

The CVR provides information about senators’ and representatives’ co-sponsorship and votes. Each legislator is scored based on their record on AAUW priorities, which were decided on the basis of the AAUW Public Policy Program, adopted by AAUW members. These priorities include equal pay, education, campus sexual assault, campaign finance, human trafficking, and reproductive rights. The CVR is distributed to every member of Congress.

Read More.

2024 Conference 

Our theme, “Evolution of the Fight: Looking Back to Move Forward,” will highlight AAUW’s achievements within the broader context of the women’s movement.  The conference will be held at the Best Western Premier: The Central Hotel and Conference Center in Harrisburg on April 5th -7th, 2024.
Keynote speakers include:

  • Dr. Valerie A. Arkoosh, Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services.
  • Dr. Kimberly S. Adams, Board of Directors for AAUW National and National Organization for Women (NOW); and
  • Gisele Barreto Fetterman, Nonprofit Founder, Hugger, Dreamer

Below are important reservation and registration deadlines:

Hotel Reservation (reserve by Tuesday March 5th)

In order to receive the AAUW room rate please call 717-561-1086 and use the room block name “American Association of University Women” when making your reservation.
The room rate is $133.15 inclusive ($119.95 plus 11% taxes) for either a single or double room. You will be asked to provide a credit card to make your reservation. To guarantee room availability and the conference rate, you must make your room reservation no later than March 5th.

Please visit https://thecentralhotelharrisburg.com for information on hotel amenities.

Conference Registration (register by Friday March 15th)

AAUW members can register for all or part of the conference (students, please visit https://aauw-pa.aauw.netfor student rates.)
Options and pricing are below:

  1. Full conference (includes all meals and program for Friday, Saturday and Sunday): $190
  2. Friday-Saturday (includes all meals and programs for Friday and Saturday); $160
  3. Saturday only (includes all meals and programs for Saturday): $110

To register please visit https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2024-ConferenceRegistration

You can pay by credit card or PayPal using our PayPal link provided or by check postmarked before March 15, 2024 made payable to AAUW PA and mailed to Ann Echols, 181 Winesap Dr, Port Matilda, PA 16870.

Registration fees will increase by 18% after March 15th and onsite registration will not be available.

For more information on the list of speakers and activities please visit https://aauw-pa.aauw.net.